Women Learning Together Erasmus+ Project
The Erasmus+ WLT project designed to support and encourage women to take entrepreneurial actions to build their economic potential and strengthen their communities.
Led by Belgium based Bantani Education, the WLT partnership includes organisations from Belgium, Ireland, Italy, North Macedonia and Spain. Together partners have undertaken research into the needs of women aged 35-55 years entering and progressing in the world of work and are designing an innovative package of training and support. Visit the project website for more information: https://womenlearningtogether.eu
EEEC is leading activities to design and support the delivery of 5- module training programme to aid women in taking steps to improve their employment and self-employment aspirations. The platform includes easy to follow, online learning resources that can be accessed from anywhere. The 5 modules focus on:
Your competency and talents
Your potential
Your digital visibility
Community and employability
Creating value
Find out more about the modules here. Online Training – Women Learning Together.
To register for access to the online learning platform now please click here. Once applications are received they will be individually approved and an access link will be sent via email.
You can also complete this free self-reflection tool to help you asses your entrepreneurial competence.